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The College of Animal Science Further Promotes Neo-Agriculture Education - Organizing the 2020 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application - Neo-Agriculture Education and Intelligent Animal

SOURCE : TIME:2021-03-03

Neo-agriculture education is a major strategy of China to revitalize higher education in agriculture and forestry. In order to further promote neo-agriculture education, the College of Animal Science organized the 2020 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application - Neo-Agriculture Education and Intelligent Animal Husbandry Sub-Forum, and invited experts of animal husbandry and biology from Russia, South Korea, Japan and other countries to carry out academic exchanges online, in a hope to strengthen practical cooperation in personnel training, scientific research and achievement transformation by carrying out in-depth international academic discussions and integrating industrial cooperation. The forum was presided over by Professor Yuan Bao, Deputy Dean of the College of Animal Science. Chen Yujiang, Director of the Science and Technology Office of the West Campus General Office, and Wang Wendong, Section Head participated in the forum online.

Professor Zhang Jiabao from the College of Animal Science delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the forum. Professor Yuan Bao introduced the research progress in animal husbandry and biology and the status of international cooperation and exchanges in the College of Animal Science of Jilin University to the experts and scholars, and expressed his expectation for further cooperation with experts and scholars from other countries.

“Current situation and future prospects for beef production in South Korea and China”“Generation of Humanized rabbit models by improved CRISPR gene editing system.”“Potential of metabolic programming in beef production”““Potentials of grazing on animal health and welfare.”“A review of animal science research.”

Then, Zaitsev Alexander, Director of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Horse Breeding, a state budget agency of the Russian Federation, Academician Kim Nam.Hyung, a professor of Chungbuk National University of Korea, and a high-level foreign expert of Jilin University, Professor Li Zhanjun from the Department of Biotechnology, College of Animal Science, Jilin University, Masato Yayota from the Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University, Japan, Takamumi Goto from the Department of Agricultural Natural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, Japan, and Professor Zhang Shuyi, Dean of College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary of Shenyang Agricultural University gave academic reports successively, including “Current situation and future prospects for beef production in South Korea and China”, “Generation of Humanized rabbit models by improved CRISPR gene editing system”, “Potential of metabolic programming in beef production”, “Potentials of grazing on animal health and welfare” and “A review of animal science research”. The participating experts and scholars had in-depth exchanges on the specific content of these academic reports and the theme of the neo-agriculture education.

The forum received vigorous support from the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange of JLU. The experts and scholars from Northeast Asia conduct discussions and exchanges on a number of research achievements at the forum, and carried out international exchange and cooperation by taking the opportunities of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, which was of great significance for the College in further promoting the education of students with international vision, the integration of agriculture, science and engineering disciplines, the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry and the regional joint development in Northeast Asia, and provided a reference for the project on reform of neo-agriculture education of the college.
